Tracey Felicidade JonesTrace Brand Building2024-06-21T08:06:30-06:00 Tracey Felicidade Jones FOUNDER & CEO Tracey is Trace Brand Building’s fearless leader and founder. She’s been around the FMCG… [email protected]+13036197577
Jennifer GirdwoodTrace Brand Building2023-03-14T06:52:05-06:00 Jennifer Girdwood MARKET HEAD SOUTH AFRICA Jen is our local team-lead and superstar. She’s a quirky hybrid of the creative…
Bruno Felicidade JonesTrace Brand Building2024-08-08T23:46:09-06:00 Bruno Felicidade Jones SVP “Bruno The Brain” gets a real kick from seeing clients’ businesses grow through the…
Veronica BotesTrace Brand Building2023-03-14T06:54:35-06:00 Veronica Botes STRATEGIC HEAD Veronica is a senior brand and communications strategist with over 18 years of advertising,…
Joe ErasmusTrace Brand Building2023-06-05T07:17:28-06:00 Joe Erasmus Executive Producer Joe is our go-to for everything in Post Production. As an experienced post producer…
Ndivhuwo MamukhwanaTrace Brand Building2023-03-14T06:56:06-06:00 Ndivhuwo Mamukhwana WEB DEVELOPER Ndivhuwo is a star player in our digital team. From SEO to cybersecurity, this…
Leoni JoubertTrace Brand Building2023-03-14T06:57:20-06:00 Leoni Joubert CREATIVE HEAD Leoni is our magic-maker! She transforms our strategies and copy into incredible yet effective…
Zelna ForsythTrace Brand Building2024-09-04T14:01:22-06:00 Zelna Forsyth Senior Graphic Designer Zelna brings a unique blend of creativity, experience, and insight to our team. She…
Heidi HofmaennerTrace Brand Building2023-03-14T07:08:21-06:00 Heidi Hofmaenner Graphic Designer Heidi is a dynamic graphic designer with 10 years of experience in the foodservice…
Diana ListerTrace Brand Building2023-03-14T07:11:07-06:00 Diana Lister Blogger Di is one of our copywriting and coordination champions with a host of experience…